Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Prayer-Intelligencer: September 2024


It smelled like five hundred years of prayer. Damp stone, old wood, the soot of centuries of swinging censers of frankinsence. The sanctuary of the monastery of Vranov u Brna was a quiet place where I could unload all the noise in my head before the Lord. I spent several hours in there over the week. I wondered what my prayers must have smelled like to God--questions and fears and worries and hopes and dreams, dumped out like a box of Legos on the stone pavers.

This corner of the world where, Lord willing, I'll soon be making my home, is kind of an enigma. For one, because it played a central role in the flourishing of Western Christianity. Jan Hus, a Czech theologian, was an early reformer (and martyr) who lay many of the foundation "stones" that Martin Luther would walk on, a century later.

And the birth of the modern missions movement traces back to 18th-century Czech Moravian refugees who were burdened to make Christ known throughout the world. In response, they began a prayer meeting, which continued uninterrupted, 24 hours a day, for a hundred years. It resulted in action--many of their number went on to carry the gospel to all corners of the Earth, at tremendous personal sacrifice. Practically every mission society and agency that exists today can, in some way, trace its legacy to that movement of humble Czech Christians with a vision for a world-wide gospel.

And even as late as 1989, Czech Christians, though comparatively few in number, played a significant role in the Velvet Revolution, the peaceful overthrow of the communist regime of what was then Czechoslovakia.

And yet today, the Czech Republic is considered one of the most spiritually desolate places in the world. This cradle of Western Christianity is now more like a crypt. Only a tiny fraction of Czechs consider themselves a part--even nominally--of any Christian faith community--Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant. Yet the beautiful skeletons of its rich history can be seen everywhere. In some cases, literally.  

On one of my last days in the Czech Republic, I took a train to nearby Kutná Hora, home of a UNESCO World Heritage site, the Sedlec Ossuary (see photo above). It contains the bones of some 60,000 people, which have been artfully placed into stunning (albeit macabre) designs. As I stared into the empty eye sockets, I was haunted by the question posed in Ezekiel 37: "Can these bones live again?"

I was fighting back tears, overcome by a powerful longing to see and hear and feel and smell the Spirit of God from the four winds breathe new life into this valley of bones.

I reflected back on interactions I'd had over the previous couple weeks with young people who desperately want to know and experience God, but who feel like they have no spiritual home, no space where their questions can be heard, or place where their wrestlings and doubts can be expressed. These places are not easy to find in North much harder in the Czech Republic!

When people ask me what motivates me to pursue this unexpected journey, this is the only reason I have to give: I am seized by an overwhelming desire to be a part of what God is doing--and going to do--here. Here I am! Send me!

I don't know what all that will look like. I don't have any grand ideas or lofty visions. I see Maja and Miša, Oleh and Ondra, Kuba and Pepa and Anička and Tobiaš and Hanka and Michal and Rachel and Adam and Honza and Agáta and so many others with whom I've worshiped and wrestled (in some cases literally), laughed and struggled and prayed. I yearn for Christ to be seen and known and loved and worshiped here, among them.

All I have are two hands and a willing spirit--crusty loaves and dried fish. What is that, up against so great a need? I can do nothing else but place them in the hands of the One who can multiply and feed.

So what did my prayers smell like in that sanctuary? Maybe like the thunderstorm, the fading blooms of the linden trees, the pinecones in the mud, the grass on the ground, the dusty leather of a volleyball, vegetable soup and sweet koláčes, and a hot, crowded room full of young people in worship.

Massive thunderstorm we had one night!

The beautiful landscape surrounding the camp.

Getting ready for games!
Worship is often quite lively.

My English crew the first week.

My English crew the second week.

A Full Month!

I had an appointment with a visa agent the morning after I arrived in Prague on July 24. It felt like another notch in the "oh-wow-this-is-getting-real" belt. Then I spent the afternoon with my future colleagues of the Czech Evangelical Alliance, and enjoyed getting to know them better over some tasty gulaš, and contemplating what my service there may look like.

Then it was off to the Scripture Union English Camp with four others from West Side Church. During the first week, I knew most of the leaders and teen campers from the previous year, and it was fun to reconnect with them (adolescent angst and all), and continue forging the relationships begun last year. The second week saw a whole new batch of kids and leaders--strangers on day one, but not so by the end of the week. Two weeks of camp were intense and exhausting, but I was really glad to have done it.

For many of these kids, English camp is the highlight of their year. On the last morning of the second week, I was sitting at breakfast with three guys from my English group. I asked them if they were looking forward to going home. They all shook their heads. "So how much longer would you want to stay?" One student, a Ukrainian refugee, said quietly, "One...or maybe two years."

Some of the conversations I got to have with the campers and leaders were life-giving to me. They resonated deeply with the growing burden I have for the spiritual formation of this generation of Czechs. After one young woman thanked me for taking the time for a particularly intense conversation about how we hear from God, I told her how much I loved conversations like this. She grinned and said, "Well, then perhaps God is trying to tell you something!"

Perhaps indeed. I'm listening!

After camp, I attended the Alongside Ministries biennial gathering, held at the aforementioned Vranov monastery near the city of Brno. It was a phenomenal week in an incredible setting. In total we were a gathering of approximately 50 people, including most of the Alongside missionaries and families, board members, and a number of representatives of supporting churches (including West Side).

Alongside is small, currently with only 11 (myself included) missionary units (families, couples, or single people). One Alongsider described the organization as "scrappy"...nimble, innovative, and held together by nothing more and nothing less than the Holy Spirit's unique call, with all the struggles and benefits of being a small ministry.

It was a joy to get enfolded into this Alongside community and participate in the discussions about the challenges and opportunities for gospel outreach in Europe. I came away both more excited about being a part of it, and more overwhelmed by the sheer enormity of the task!

Europe may not be the first place that springs to mind when you hear "unreached people." Yet many Europeans are generations, and even centuries removed from the gospel fire that first swept the continent. We have so much to learn from our European brothers and sisters who still carry the gospel flame, working diligently in this difficult environment. Alongside exists (as our name suggests) to come alongside them to help shoulder the burden of this work.

Alongside gathering participants, Vranov u Brna Monastery

Vranov Monastery courtyard

Veveří Castle, near Brno

Baltic Sea, Estonia

Old Town, Tallinn, Estonia

Russian embassy, Tallinn. There are some strong opinions being expressed here.

Following the Alongside Gathering, several attendees and I continued on to Estonia for a few days at the invitation of Alongsiders who live and work there. It was great to experience the Estonian culture, people, history, and landscape. But it was also a powerful education about the imminence of Europe's geopolitical struggles. We happened to be there on the 33rd anniversary of Estonia's declaration of independence from the Soviet Union (and the subsequent dissolution of the USSR). Yet no place in Estonia is more than a short drive from the Russian border, and Putin's breath down their necks is a palpable reality. Freedom and democracy are incredibly fragile, and not taken for granted. And their fate is closely tied to the actions and character of their allies, the United States included. These were very sobering realizations.

Now, back in the United States, I am faced with an enormous task of closing up shop here, so to speak, and preparing to move. There is much to do. As for when I'll actually be boarding a plane for Prague, mid-spring is still the target, but that is ultimately up to the Lord.


Praise God for a great experience in the Czech Republic and Estonia. Please pray for the lonely voice of the gospel in these lands to take deep root and spread; for more growing, healthy churches who use innovation and creativity to make Christ known; and for this generation of Czech youth and young adults, that many will be called and equipped to be salt and light in their culture.

Please pray for wisdom for me in all the many preparations for departure. It's a daunting laundry list--visa application, partnership development, readying my home and probably a hundred other things I haven't even thought of yet!
Praise God for His generous support and provision--and thanks to so many of you! Please continue to pray for the people God is raising up to partner with me in ongoing prayer and financial support...and if you are not already, pray about whether you might be one of them!

Blessings in Christ,

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Prayer-Intelligencer: June 2024

 Dear Praying Friends, 

"Wow! Wow! Wow!" Right above my head, the heavens were busy declaring the glory of God, in dazzling greens and yellows and blues and purples. I felt like a shepherd in Bethlehem...was I about to be surrounded by a chorus of angels? Knowing that this spectacle was caused by solar particles ionizing the gases of our upper atmosphere did not detract from the call to wonder and worship. The miraculous is woven into the fabric of Creation. What a God we have! Breathtaking in beauty, awesome in power, faithful in love.

"Never Say Never!" 

Shortly before leaving for Europe last summer, a friend asked what I thought God might want to accomplish in me there. I shrugged. "I don't know. Shake things up a little, get me out of this rut." Then I added with a laugh, "but don't worry, I'm not moving to the Czech Republic or anything." That was the most absurd thing I could think of at the time. My friend laughed. "Never say never!"

Well, I never would have expected to fall in love with that little country. I never would have foreseen that God would awaken in me such a burden to see Jesus known and worshiped among these people, in this strange and beautiful and dark and thirsty land. And I never could have predicted that He would invite me to be a part of the work He is doing there already. I guess I should know by now to never say never!

"Your cat is chasing my bear to the restaurant on Vodičková Street." 

Dipping my toes into the Czech language has been a fascinating exercise, but honestly, the ridiculous examples that some of these language apps use make me wonder what they think life will be like in Prague. Do I really need to worry about bears in Old Town Prague? 

I always thought I had a facility with languages, but I think I have met my match with Czech! A breathtakingly complex grammar (seven noun cases, and three and a half genders!), consonant blends that literally make my tongue ache, and a dizzying syntax that would exasperate Master Yoda himself.

Nevertheless, I came across a curious Czech proverb that intrigued me: "You are as many times human as the number of languages you speak." Learning a language is not a mere functional convenience, but a window into a culture, and a means to engaging with a community. It is an important part of representing Jesus well to the Czech-speaking people.

Summer Travels & Next Steps 

In July & August, Lord willing, and if all goes according to plan, I will be making trip No. 3 to the Czech Republic. I'll spend two weeks at the Scripture Union English Camp that the West Side mission team visited last year. We will be a small team from Richland this year--just four of us for the first week, and two of us for the 2nd week. But I hope to reconnect with a few of the people I met there last year.

After the camps, I will travel to Brno (about 3 hours from Prague) to attend the Alongside Gathering, a mission-wide conference held every two years. This will give me an opportunity to meet the other Alongside missionaries and partners of the ministry. After the Gathering, I travel to Estonia for a few days at the invitation of one of the Alongside missionaries who lives and works there.

I also hope to meet up with future colleagues with the Czech Evangelical Alliance, the national organization I will be serving with. The CEA's mission is to connect people, share strategies, and channel resources among churches and ministries in the Czech Republic and throughout Europe, equipping leaders and building the church to shine the light of the gospel of Jesus in this spiritually challenging culture. I look forward to assisting in developing multimedia and communication strategies to this end, once I spend some time in language study.

Partners in Making Jesus Known in the Czech Republic: You! 

Earlier this month I attended a four-day conference via Zoom on the subject of Ministry Partnership Development. It is a topic that many of us missionaries wrestle with--establishing a team of partners, people who will faithfully pray for and financially sustain the work. I came away encouraged, with a renewed excitement for what God is doing in the Czech Republic, and a confidence that He is calling others to participate in this work--maybe that includes you, too! 

Many of you have already been faithful partners in both prayer and financial support throughout many years of my missionary service--from Costa Rica to Miami to Utah and back here in Richland. I am mightily blessed, and beyond grateful. 

A couple months ago, I lost one powerful member of my prayer team, who suddenly and unexpectedly passed on to the great cloud of witnesses. Some of you knew Willy Van Krieken from Walla Walla--a little Dutch-Indonesian woman with a huge prayer-warrior's heart. She had served many years as a missionary, and while her later years were fraught with health problems, she took me under her "prayer wings" and was an enormous encouragement to me. She was largely homebound, but "traveled" with me in prayer. She not only prayed for me, but she shared how she believed God led her to pray. It was a privilege to have been a part of her "team," and her a part of mine. Her prayers and encouragement were truly gifts of God to me. 

Now I pray, "Lord, teach me to pray like Willy!" I want to be that faithful and diligent in lifting others up! And I am also asking the Lord for others who will pray for me like Willy did, in addition to those who will commit to give financially to enable this work to go forward. It is our work, because it is ultimately what God is doing, reconciling the Czech Republic--and all the world that He loves--to Himself. It is a privilege and joy for me to share in this...and you are invited!

If you are not already, would you prayerfully consider being a conduit of God's supply--with your prayers and/or your financial giving? If this is something that stirs you at all, I would love the opportunity to talk to you one-on-one about it, if you would like to learn more. Please contact me and let me know! We can meet in person, by Zoom, or any other way that old and new tech allows us!



  • Praise God for the opportunity to return to the Czech Republic this summer. Please pray for the various activities--especially my participation at the English camp, that I may forge meaningful connections with people there, and be a conduit of the love of Christ.

  • Please pray for me as I sort through sixty years' of accumulated belongings in my family home. Each day I'm learning more and more how a huge task this is. Pray also for wisdom and guidance in what to do with the house itself.

  • Please pray for wisdom and provision as I transition out of a more active role with Main Street Church's ministry in the next year (though I may continue to assist remotely for a while, on a limited basis), as well as with Flourish Mid-Columbia. Please pray that the Lord provides a means for these ministries to continue unhindered. But for the time being, I remain involved as I always have been.

  • Praise God with me for the generous provision and support He has given me through many of you! Before I can relocate, however, I need to substantially increase my financial support, both for start-up expenses and ongoing monthy income. Please pray for the means and the people God may be calling to participate in this...and I'd ask you to pray about whether you might be (or continue to be) one of them!

Blessings in Christ, 

Friday, April 26, 2024

The Prayer-Intelligencer: April 2024

The "Prayer-Intelligencer" is my periodic missionary prayer letter, which I will be posting on this blog. If you wish to be on my email list, you can sign up here.

Dear Praying Friends,

A couple of months ago, I found myself in the Malostranský cemetery in Prague. It didn’t seem to get many visitors, at least not on cold, drizzly mornings in January. The paths, the benches, and the tombstones were covered in moss and rotting leaves. I had the place to myself, which was fine. I had a lot of things on my mind, including the words of St. Augustine: “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in You.” As you may know, my restless heart has spent some time wandering through desolate places these past few years. Wilderness is not a place of enjoyment. But it is a place of grace, often seen only in retrospect. In the thick of it, though, it is a dry and weary land, where there is no water (Psalm 63:1).

Yet something shifted one sunny afternoon in Beaune, France last June, as I walked from the train station to my hotel. I suddenly became aware of a lightness, a kind of joy, welling up inside of me; it was a sensation I’d all but forgotten! But I breathed it in, like the aroma of the first drops of rain after a long dry spell. Over the next six weeks in Europe, those “raindrops” would gather into a stream, a river, and finally a raging flood that threatened to wash the ground out from under my feet and pull me under. It was thrilling…and terrifying. When I finally landed back in the States, I was dripping wet (metaphorically) and catching my breath. A deep thirst had awakened in me that I couldn’t articulate, much less know how to quench.

But now I sat on a moldy bench in the old Prague graveyard, reflecting on the past couple weeks, and even back to my first missionary stint in Costa Rica, more than half a lifetime ago. I was starry-eyed and naïve. Serving God was going to be a grand adventure in this exotic land of rain forests, howler monkeys and gallo pinto (still my favorite breakfast food). And it was an adventure. But I learned that being a foreigner is exhausting work—especially in those first years. You feel lonely and frustrated. You don’t know how things work. You stick out like a sore thumb and often feel like a fool. People confuse you and you confuse people. 

By now I was a little less naïve, and a little more seasoned—I at least had a better idea of what I was up against. I’d spent the last couple weeks investigating possible ways to serve in this part of the world. It was daunting, and the weight of it was catching up with me. Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die.” The Czech Republic is as good a place as any to die, I mused, looking around at the tombstones. People have been doing it here for years! I thought of all the big and little things I would have to “die” to, if I moved here. My comfortable home. Proximity to long-time friends. A familiar city. A life-giving community. Having a Costco nearby. All the conveniences of North American life. Knowing the language. Knowing how things work. Knowing who to call when the hot water heater starts leaking or when life is falling apart (sometimes the same person). Was I ready to give it all up? I poured all these things out before God—the anxieties, longings, and fears of hopes unfulfilled. Lord, is this what you’re calling me to?

I know God sat with me on that damp bench, listening patiently to my stream of consciousness. But then after a spell He seemed to break into my chaotic thoughts. “Scott, what I’m calling you to is to live your life in Me. Sure, you could stay in Richland, with your friends, your community, your familiar life. And I’d be with you there, and have things for you to do there. As for here…I will do my work here with or without you.” I thought about that for a moment, but the conversation in my mind continued. “But…why don’t you come with Me on this adventure, here in the Czech Republic?” I realized at that moment that I had been waiting for marching orders from my Commanding Officer; what I got instead was an invitation from my Friend. 

But part of me resonated with the rich man in Luke 18, whose heart was heavy after Jesus “invited” him to leave everything behind to follow Him. So I stood on this precipice for a couple days, peering over the edge into the chasm. Below I could hear that familiar, exhilarating, terrifying torrent still roaring. Do I dare jump? Would God really be there to catch me? So many unknowns…and the knowns were frightening enough! 

On my next-to-last day in the Czech Republic, I found myself at Prague Castle, in a nearly deserted café, warming up with a glass of hot ginger lemonade (the Czech answer to all winter ills). I was jotting down some of these thoughts on my phone. I knew I hadn’t yet responded to this “invitation,” but would have to eventually. As I was writing this down—wouldn’t you know—the song With or Without You by U2 started playing on the café’s music system. (“…And I’m waiting for you…With or without you…?”) 

Seriously? I shook my head, smiling to myself at God’s ironic, impeccable timing. 

All right. (Deep breath.) Here I am. Send me.

And in that moment, I felt something shift again, just like back in Beaune. The anxiety of the past months about whether I was hearing God rightly, whether this was an old fool’s errand, whether I was crazy to think I could or should do this…all that began to fall away into peaceful consolation. I finished my drink, and with fresh eyes and new resolve, I walked back down through the castle complex, past the massive St. Vitus cathedral, down the hill with the street musicians and sausage vendors, across the Charles bridge, through the crowd of gawking tourists gathered at the Astronomical Clock, past a thousand fragrant trdelnik spindle pastry stalls, the Rubber Duck Boutique, and the Sex Machines Museum, to Wenceslaus Square, down the escalator to the Můstek Metro station and on to my little studio flat on Stroupežnikého street, here in this beautiful, quirky, chaotic, fascinating, exasperating, amazing, broken city. 

It had been seven months ago, to the very day, that I had first arrived in Prague and heard that bewildering “Welcome home” ring in my ears, which first set me on this journey. And now today, for the first time, I finally received that welcome home…if any place on earth can be called “home” for wandering pilgrims. 

For greater things have yet to come, and greater things are still to be done in this city. 

Amen. Let it be so!


So…what is the plan? Here’s the outline…as best as I can discern, though to the Lord belongs the final say. 

* I am in the process of association with Alongside Ministries International (, a mission agency that partners with local churches and ministries, principally in Europe, to advance the Gospel. Alongside has a long history with West Side Church, and I have known many in the Alongside leadership over the years.

* I am anticipating a formal invitation to work alongside the Czech Evangelical Alliance (, a local ministry dedicated to networking and cooperation across denominations and ministries in the Czech Republic, sharing resources for church planting, training, and equipping people to reach this nation and beyond for Jesus Christ. There I expect my role will focus on developing multimedia and communication strategies. However, the fields are white, and the laborers are few. My role will likely include things I haven’t imagined yet.

* It is my hope, God permitting, to relocate to the Czech Republic the first part of next year (2025). This, however, depends on a number of factors, including the necessary partnership development (support raising). Other factors include a lengthy visa application process, and decisions about dispossessing my house and the lion’s share of my earthly belongings! In the meantime, I continue working with and for Main Street Church.

* My initial commitment will be for two years, the first part of which will focus on learning Czech. I’ve started with online language apps…so far I’ve learned enough to realize what a daunting task this will be. I can also say things like Matěj hledá čistou mrkev (Matthew is looking for a clean carrot) and other extremely useful phrases.

* I plan to travel to the Czech Republic this summer (July/August), to participate, together with a few others from West Side Church, at the same English Camp where we worked at last summer, as well as attend the annual Alongside Gathering in Brno (a couple hours from Prague), which happens right after the camp. (If you are interested in contributing to the expenses of this trip, click HERE.)



  • First and foremost, pray that my life be continually built up and hid in Jesus—my first and main calling. 

  • Please pray for all the work that needs to be done in the months ahead, as well as all the preparations for relocation; that I would be given God’s wisdom and make good use of my time and energy.

  • Pray also for the Lord’s provision for my “team” of prayer and financial supporters…and while you’re at it, please pray about what ways God may be inviting you to participate on that team! 

Blessings in Christ, 

Friday, February 16, 2024

Coming Full Circle

Welcome to my first post on this blog in nearly ten years. Please pardon the dust. I was  actually surprised to see that this blog is still even accessible.  I guess nothing really dies on the Internet.  

A lot of life has been lived and lost in the past ten years.  When I last posted in 2014, I was living in Brigham City, Utah, working full-time as a missionary in multimedia production. Things were moving along, there were engaging projects to chew on, and I was enjoying a sense of forward motion. There was not a lack of things to hold my interest.  And so it went for several more years.

Then in 2017, life shifted. 

My 80-year-old father began to experience serious health problems. For the first time I really came face-to-face with my parents' mortality. I began to divide my time between Utah, and my family in Washington State. But it soon became clear that Dad's health was more than Mom could manage on her own, so I relocated indefinitely to Washington in 2018, bringing all of my multimedia equipment with me so that I could continue my work remotely.

So in those days, my primary "ministry" became accompanying my parents through their ever-increasing health crises.  As an only child, and with no other family entanglements, this fell to me.  It was a ministry that I embraced and treasured, difficult though it was. I was grateful that I had the kind of work that allowed me to do this, and the support from colleagues back in Utah that made it possible.

My father passed away suddenly in April of 2019. The universe was torn apart violently, as death tends to do. But...Mom and I were re-oriented to the new reality, as life tends to do. She remained relatively stable health-wise for a time. Then we both contracted Covid in early 2020--even before the shutdowns began to happen. She recovered from the infection, but from that point forward, her health took a steady downard turn. A year later, in February of 2021, she too passed away. I didn't know if I would be able to take this again. But I didn't have much choice. Scraps of the torn-up universe floated around. When the second parent falls, there is such an overwhelming sense of finality.  My orphanhood was complete.

That was three years ago today, February 16.  

The pandemic years were difficult ones for all of us, for sure. For me, it was the filling of a cruel  tragedy sandwich--stuffed between the deaths of my parents. And life on the other side became a completely different beast.

As the pandemic wound down, and the sharpness of grief subsided to a dull ache, the strangeness of existence began to settle heavily around me. It was like I was waking up in someone else's life. My caregiving ministry was gone; my multimedia ministry had shrunk in scope to a handful of administrative and routine duties.  I wondered if all the good juice had been squeezed out of me. 

I had much to be grateful for. I had good friends, a home, enough work to keep me occupied and enough to pay the bills. My external life was generally free of any real drama. Nevertheless, I was treading water in a sea of malaise. Depression rose and fell with the swells--a shark that picked at my heels regularly, and occasionally chomped hard and pulled me under. In those darker moments, my sense of aloneness and isolation was almost physically suffocating. I was now a patriarch of a family of one, useless and obsolete.

But I still got up each day. I was never suicidal, but neither did I have any strong motivation to stay alive. The future did not look appealing. A solitary life with diminishing purpose, waiting for ailments and old age to overtake me. I'd just recently had a front-row seat to that show. What else was there to do, but submit to it with quiet resignation?

It all sounds a bit maudlin now, as I look back on it from a more hopeful vantage point; but this was where I was at. Some people knew I was having a rough go of it, but very few really knew the depths of it. I'm not even sure I did. I was collapsing in on myself like a black hole, while trying to figure out how to wear an ill-fitting mask of contentment. (Because we're taught to be content in all circumstances, aren't we?)

God became the main audience to my complaint, and I imagined that even he seemed to grow weary of me, aloof and far-off. It was my own quiet desperation, my private dark night of the soul. Desolation, in the Ignatian sense of the word.  But I still prayed.


Back in 2018, shortly after I'd moved back to Washington, I was given a book called The Spirituality of Wine written by Gisela Kreglinger, which I devoured, and after I was done, I passed it on to my parents to read. I think it was the last book my Dad read before he died. He actually contacted the author, and through that exchange he learned about an annual "wine pilgrimage" through France and Germany that the author organized and led. I remember seeing Dad wistfully leaf through the itinerary he'd printed from her website. Ever the lovers of travel and life-long learning (and wine), this was exactly the sort of experience my parents would have enjoyed in their younger years. 

A decade before, as they were approaching and entering their 70s, they realized their traveling days were numbered, and so they squeezed all the juice they could out of the time that remained. They invited me on several occasions to accompany them. It was a great opportunity for me; in exchange for running interference, handling baggage, and doing the driving, I got to experience a safari in South Africa, a cooking tour of Italy, a riverboat cruise in Portugal, and crossing the Atlantic on the Queen Mary II to go exploring in Ireland. These became treasured memories. And as their traveling days finally came to a close, they  began to admonish me, "travel while you still can!"  This wine pilgrimage was, by now, clearly out of their reach. But they offered to send me, on my own, so that they could experience it vicariously through me. I appreciated the offer, but wasn't willing to head off to Europe when their health was so fragile. I promised them that I would go "when the opportunity presents itself." Of course, on some level, we all knew that they would not live to see that opportunity.

Like most of life, the the pilgrimage was on hiatus for the pandemic, then resumed in 2022. I briefly considered it then, but the world was still a bit too Covid-y for my liking. However, when 2023 rolled around, I was running out of excuses. I wasn't really enthusiastic about it, but I remembered my promise to my parents, and I had some vague notion that it might "do me some good" in a kick-in-the-pants sort of way. (I think my parents knew that, too.) But the thought of packing up and traveling to Europe just felt heavy and unappealing to me. The homebound years of caregiving and pandemic isolation had turned me into a Hobbit; I now shunned the idea of leaving the quiet security of the Shire for some high-falutin adventure in parts unknown. But at the same time, I couldn't shake the feeling that my little cave of cold comforts was slowly killing me.

Around the same time I was stewing about the pilgrimage, I became aware of a short-term mission opportunity through my home church, to the Czech Republic. The church had done this trip several times before, and I had always thought, back in my more adventuresome days, that I should consider doing it someday.  Well, it wasn't going to get any more someday than now.

So this left me with a dilemma--two different options for the summer, neither of which I was particularly enthusiastic about. I could spend a posh week of food and wine in Burgundy and Bavaria; I could see the appeal, but it was really expensive. On the other hand, the more affordable option would be to spend a week in the rough, teaching English to teen-agers in the Czech Republic. But that would entail, well, working with teens in a former Soviet bloc nation. That wasn't exactly at the top of my bucket list.

But still...there was little voice in me that kept whispering that I desperately needed a shake-up...and the weird thing is, I didn't feel any peace saying "no" to either one or the other of the options.

But the jaded, cynical voice scoffed at the idea; it was hopelessly naive to believe a mere trip could be the solution to my despondency. That only happened in those sappy travel movies. I wasn't gonna Eat, Pray, Love my way to inner peace.

But for reasons I can't fully explain, I put down my deposit for the wine pilgrimage and I applied to join the short-term mission trip. And I cajoled a couple friends to join me for some independent travel in between the two.  Six weeks in Europe.  This was crazy.  Irresponsible.  Foolhardy.  And frankly, I didn't even want to do it in the first place.

As the day of departure neared, I was dreading it like major surgery. And yet I couldn't exactly say that out loud to anyone; I mean, what was I supposed to say? I'm off to France to eat Michelin-star food and drink world-class wines. What a freaking nightmare. Pray for me.


But people were praying for me. And amazing things happened. I experienced joy. C.S. Lewis described joy in terms of an "inconsolable longing." Invasive, tantalizing flashes originating from another Realm that hint to us that there's something more out there...but not yet.  

Throughout those six weeks in Europe, I experienced these stabs of joy, these shards of hope, as both pleasure and pain. It undid me. It's embarrasing how many tears I shed. It awakened something in me. It stirred in me that deep, inconsolable longing that Lewis wrote about.

Ironically, I actually did sort of Eat, Pray, Love my way to--well, not inner peace, but rather the inner turmoil brought on by daring to hope again.  The wine pilgrimage taught me to eat--to revel in the good gifts of a generous Creator.  The in-between time gave me opportunities to reflect and pray. And finally, on the short-term mission trip in the Czech Republic I experienced love in unexpected and beautiful ways that grew in me an affection for this potato-shaped country in central Europe.

When I first arrived in Prague, even before getting off the plane, I felt inexplicably drawn to this place--which, I remind you, was heretofore not on my bucket list. As a child of the Cold War, my visions of this part of the world were bleak and dismal. But I became intrigued by the ministries I was exposed to there, and their vision to make Jesus known in a land that has been famously obstinate toward religion in general and Christianity in particular.  I got to experience real friendship and fellowship and worship with real Czechs.  And then shortly before leaving, a chance conversation with a missionary there alerted me to the possibility that someone even with my rusty skill set might find a way to be useful there.

I returned home with new thoughts I'd never thought before, new dreams, and new imaginations that sent my neurons buzzing into overdrive and kept me up at night for weeks. It was physically exhausting and emotionally painful. In relatively short order, I had gone from resignation to the life of a dull homebody to the insatiable urge to break out and experience something new and wild. I was blowing dust off of long-abandoned neural pathways, and working muscles that hadn't seen any action in a long, long time. Things that I had presumed were relics of my youthful past--living and working abroad--were suddenly staring me back in the face, demanding my attention.


A few days after returning from the Czech Republic, I was sorting a shelf of books, and out of an old Bible from my youth fell a missions commitment card.  I looked at the date.  I had signed it exactly 40 years ago, almost to the day.  Way back in 1983, I had participated in a high school short-term mission trip to Mexico.  At the end of the trip, the youth pastor handed each of us index cards on which was printed three "levels of commitment" to cross-cultural missions.  We were invited to turn these cards in, if we felt so led.  I checked level 3--that I was fully committed to serving in cross-cultural missions, and that God would have to convince me otherwise. I signed my name, and dated it. I kept one copy, and the other I turned into the youth pastor the Sunday after we returned.  When he took it from me, he looked down at it, and then looked me in the eyes and said with an unnerving gravity, "Wow. Wow.  Thank you, Scott."  

I gulped, and suddenly wondered what I had just signed up for.

I had signed it with all the well-meaning sincerity of a 16-year-old, but generally didn't give it much thought afterward.  I graduated from high school with my eyes on a career in medicine, which had  been my ambition from childhood. It's not that I forgot about missions; medical missions was a thing, right?  I could see myself volunteering cross-culturally for a month each year or something like that. Surely that would count, wouldn't it?

But two years later, on one July day at church camp, God called my bluff. I didn't hear an audible voice, but it was loud and unmistakable. It stopped me in my tracks. I knew, in that instant, that I was not to pursue medicine, and instead I would be going to Latin America and working with children. This was not on my radar at all.  Yet the surety of it in that moment was undeniable. And over the next year as I unpacked it, prayed about it, and sought counsel from trusted mentors, I came to embrace it as a genuine calling, and six years later, I was in Costa Rica with the Latin America Mission, serving with Roblealto, an organization that worked with children at risk.

I did that for four years, and began to get exposed to multimedia as a potential ministry calling. It intrigued me enough to return to the United States to get my master's degree in communications in 1995.  Some time after that, I went on to serve another two and a half years at LAM's headquarters in Miami, Florida. From there, however, I was invited to embark on yet another adventure, and what I only half-jokingly called the most cross-cultural of any experience I've ever had--small town Utah. I spent 15 very interesting years there developing a media ministry with a small church doing outreach to Latter-day Saints, before being "called" back to Washington to accompany my parents in their final years. 

So here I stood, holding the yellowing commitment card in my hands and smiling at the symmetry. I had come full circle. I had done some interesting things in far-away places. I had fulfilled my commitment that I marked on the card. I had "served my time." Now, with substantially fewer years ahead of me than behind me, it was time to tuck the card back in the Bible and put it back on the shelf. It was a souvenir of a bygone era.

But then I sensed God's gentle whisper, once again calling my bluff: Not so fast. 

Was it conceivable that after 40 years, I was once again being "enlisted" in overseas missions?  Answering this question then became the subject of much prayer, soul-searching, and discerning. Over the next few months, I began to have conversations with people in the Czech Republic to more seriously explore that possibility, all while shaking my head at the absurdity of it all. Here I was, in my mid-50s, contemplating moving halfway around the world to some place I never thought I'd go, where I'd have to learn one of the most difficult languages in the world.  Was I completely insane?

Well, that remains to be seen, I suppose. But here we are. I've just returned from a second trip to the Czech Republic to lean into this very question. In contrast with my first call to missions as an 18-year-old, which felt like God hit me with two-by-four, this time was much different.  As I wandered through a quiet old cemetery in Prague, just a couple weeks ago, it was a gentle conversation. I poured out to God all my angst and fear and uncertainty about what this next step would entail, and then I sensed God saying, "You know, you can go back to Richland, and stay there, with your home and your friends and comforts and your familiar community. I'll still be with you. I can still work in you and through you. But...why don't you come with me on a new adventure?"  In 1985, I was called. In 2024, I was invited.  

The next day I was sitting at a cafe near Prague Castle, warming myself up with a hot ginger lemon tea. The U2 song With or Without You was playing, and I chuckled to myself.  God seemed to be saying to me in that moment, "I'm going to do my work in the Czech Republic, with or without you. So which is it going to be?" And so I sighed deeply, and finally said "yes" to his invitation. And the desolation began to dissolve into consolation.  I don't know what the future holds, but my soul is at rest, and my face is set like a flint toward the Czech Republic.


Epilogue:  When I originally created this blog--fifteen years ago, I called it "Among the Saints"--a reference to my life among the Latter-day Saints.  But a couple weeks ago as I walked across Karlův Most (the Charles Bridge), a medieval bridge in Prague lined with the statues of many saints...I realized that I was, once again, among the saints. So I guess the blog title still holds.